Our main objective: Innovation at the service of our customers.


  • Technical Service:
    • Maintenance: Rapidity in times of response, solvency in resolution of problems and implication of our personnel are the typical props that sustain our services of maintenance and repair.
    • Repair of troubleshooting: we have Services of technical Assistance 24/48 H (depending on the distance from our facilities to the facilities of our clients) to carry out a fast intervention in the damaged equipments, with specialized personnel.
  • Integration: We make the adjustment of equipments of diverse technological nature, being highly automated or not, to the new requirements demanded by our clients.
  • Industrial supplies: In ROSPA we do not want to fail to take advantage of the opportunity to put to the service of our clients the supply of the materials that are necessary, relative to the matters that we dominate and with which habitually we work (hydraulic, pneumatic, lubrication, automatization/robotics, electronics and electricity), putting to the service of them a great variety of brands, with very competitive prices.